Stampa estera...
"La Russa, a bruiser with a voice like the possessed child in The Exorcist" State of the union: The Italian Republic turns 150 this month but this is a nation at odds with itse “Mr. Berlusconi and Qaddafi... two of the world’s most colorful leaders.” Turmoil in Libya a Threat to Italy’s Economy “As Silvio Berlusconi stumbles from scandal to crisis, the other parties – particularly on the Left – have lacked the coglioni to pounce or even articulate a post-Berlusconi vision.” Beppe Grillo interview "Mr. Draghi... displayed ... a highly institutional approach toward public office. Comfortable with power, he nonetheless refused to speak about himself" - obviously they are not talking about our PM... Mario Draghi’s Prospects to Lead the European Central Bank
Goodness, Dario. You gotta tell more.