Souvenir de Géneve

Mi sto esercitando con Photoshop.
Il posto, in realtà si chiama Place de la Taconnerie...
Eh, ne ho fatte di conneries quando vivevo a Ginevra... altri tempi :-)

(c) Dario Q, 2004


  1. altri tempi ... indeed.
    conneries in Ginevra?
    Some details, please.

  2. Ya know... wasting time for the stupid german girlie...

  3. Yeah, remember...there was something.
    Don't only look with today's eyes.
    Remember what you felt back then.

  4. I was feeling BBB (bored beyond belief), one year sitting at a desk as a stupid pupil, in that sort of fishbowl, listening those stiff-nosed professors sermonizing us. I call it my professoral year: worked with professors (that prick of Julian above all) and in love with a professor, and bored because of both...
    What I retain from that experience is the days on the ski slopes and some good friends.
    Oh, and very good money when I was back, yes ;-)

  5. Neve sulle colline di Hermance. Ci sono 2 gradi. Vedo il lac leman pieno di sole. Ondate possenti si infrangono sui frangiflutti. Il Monte bianco brilla nella luce del meriggio. Che palle 'sto lac Leman!
    Avevi proprio ragione, tolte le piste, per il resto stà Svizzera è una noia bestiale. Quanti anni mi tocca stare qua?
    Saluti dal WTO, settimana prossima siamo di ministeriale.

  6. Resistiiii!!!! Ed intanto arrota le lamine! Appena sono di nuovo su due zampe io e Val ti veniamo a trovare. Quest'anno mi regalo gli sci nuovi. Vi porto in una super-romantica baita a Les Houches, vicino al Monte Bianco. Si scia tutto il giorno, poi si resta tutta la notte a far l'amore davanti al caminetto :-)
    Nel frattempo vai a quel resto sul Col de la Faucille a gustare le specialità savoiarde (Tartiflette, i Diots al vino bianco, la Fricassea di Caion.... yummm!). E quando vai al marché di Fernay non dimenticare di salutare la mia pusher di ostriche.
    Ah, hai conosciuto Stephan, il vigneron? Com'è stata la vendemmia del Gamay?
    Per la vita notturna, lascia perdere Losanna che è ancor più pallosa, e dirigiti su Lione.

  7. Van Morrison's

    Goin down geneva, give me a helping hand
    Im goin down geneva, give me a helping hand
    Its not easy baby, living on the exile plan

    Down on the bottom, down to my new pair of shoes
    Down on the bottom, down to my new pair of shoes
    Im down by the lakeside, thinking bout my baby blue

    Last night I played a gig in salzburg, outside in the pouring rain
    Last night I played a gig in salzburg, outside in the pouring rain
    Flew from there to montreux and my heart was filled with pain

    Look out my window, back at the way things are
    Look out my window pane, back at the way things are
    Just wonder how, how did things ever get this far

    Vince taylor used to live here, nobodys ever heard of him
    Vince taylor used to live here, but nobodys heard of him, aint that a shame
    Just who he was, just where he fits in

    He was goin down geneva. give him helping hand
    He was goin down geneva, give him helping hand
    It wasnt easy living on the exile plan

    Vince taylor used to live here, nobodys even heard of him
    Vince, vince taylor lives here, nobodys even heard of him
    Just who he was, just where he fits in


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